Super Simple Self-Care for Busy People

Program Description:

Do you feel too busy to practice self-care? What is “self-care” anyway? Hint: It doesn’t have to be complicated and everyone can (and should) make time for it! During this workshop, learn what “self-care” is and the science behind why it is critical to living a life of happiness and wellbeing. Discover a super simple three-step self-care strategy that you can build upon with other super simple practices. Receive guidance and tools to create a personalized self-care plan. Learn tips and tricks to incorporate it into your life, even (and especially) if you feel too busy to do so. Walkaway energized and ready to practice your very own super simple self-care plan!

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn what “self-care” is and the science behind why it is critical for happiness and wellbeing.

  • Discover tools to create a personalized self-care strategy that you want to maintain.

  • Receive guidance on how to keep self-care super simple and integrate it into your life, no matter how busy you are.

Suggested Audience:

Anyone who feels too busy to incorporate routine self-care into their life.

Programming Options:

1-hour virtual or in-person program