Declutter Your Kitchen

Program Description:

The kitchen is often the “heart of the home” where meals are prepared and everyone gathers. It serves many purposes and a lot happens in it every day. During this workshop, get clear on what your ideal kitchen looks like and what areas are most important to you. Learn how to declutter your kitchen so it is a place of peace, joy, and nourishment. Discover a SIMPLE process to work through everything from the fridge to the junk drawer (and everything else in between). Receive tips and ideas for how to make your kitchen flow efficiently, plus suggestions for how to keep it that way. Walk away with a personalized plan to declutter your kitchen that prioritizes the areas that are most important to you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gain clarity on what an ideal kitchen is for you and get tips on how to bring that vision to life.

  • Learn a SIMPLE process to declutter your kitchen plus suggestions for how to keep it decluttered.

  • Develop a plan to create a space that flows efficiently and prioritizes the areas that are most important to you.

Suggested Audience:

Busy individuals who want an organized kitchen.

Programming Options:

1-hour virtual or in-person program